CMU Cloud Computer Cluster at the Parallel Data Laboratory

The OpenCloud cluster was in service from 2009 through 2018. Users of OpenCloud should acknowledge funding support, in part, by National Science Foundation, under award CCF-1019104, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, in the eScience project.

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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
opencloud-announce-archive.txt.gzgz opencloud-announce-archive.txt.gz manage 277 K 01 Oct 2018 - 18:12 ChadDougherty Final archive of the opencloud-announce mailing list before it was deleted from
opencloud-help-archives.txt.gzgz opencloud-help-archives.txt.gz manage 314 K 24 Sep 2018 - 19:02 ChadDougherty Final archive of the opencloud-help mailing list before it was deleted from
opencloud-users-archive.txt.gzgz opencloud-users-archive.txt.gz manage 238 K 24 Sep 2018 - 19:01 ChadDougherty Final archive of the opencloud-users mailing list before it was deleted from
Topic revision: r30 - 15 Jun 2021, ChadDougherty - This page was cached on 17 Sep 2024 - 13:36.

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